IRRIOT - Wireless Irrigation IoT Automation Platform. Irrigation controller

Sketches, design development, prototyping
Stage #1


In this project, we develop the case of IRRIOT irrigation controller. Here is the case of a similar system:
Корпус базы одной из систем автоматического полива
The irrigation controller consists of case, control boards, monochromic display, MicroSD and Wi-Fi cards and power supply unit.
The controller is equipped with a display and a set of push buttons, which allows to configure watering in various ways. IP44.
Stage #2


It is a special device, so it must work in any conditions, even when a farmer pusches the buttons wearing dirty gloves.

We begin from draft design. Primarily we 'install' all the electronic components in the model of the case, and only after that begins the job of an industrial designer.
Stage #2
Here is the 'winner':
Какой дизайн выбрал заказчик
Stage #3


During the job the model of the case has changed:
We make a follow-up revision and prepare the file to 3D-printing.
Stage #4


The first mock-up is ready:
But there is not enoght space to install all the electronic parts. We need to change the dimensions of the case and its design.
The next mock-up. All the electronic components are on their places.
Now we can make prototype. The renders of the final design:
Renders of the case (the cover is opened):
Stage #5


Prototyping technology — casting in silicone molds:
Removing defects of the design:
Buttons are best made by injection molding. Made in China.
Stage #6

Mass production

Early batch - 25 sets.
See the manufacturer's site